01227 471 444 advice@moretonqs.co.uk


ISO 14001 Certification – Environmental Management System

ISO 14001 Environmental Management

To demonstrate our commitment to the environment and sustainability, we are pleased to announce that Moreton & Partners has achieved ISO 14001 Environmental Management certification via The British Assessment Bureau.

M&P concluded that the best way for the business to meet our environment objectives was to implement the globally recognised standard ISO 14001 . This has enabled the business to identify its environmental impacts, plan, and reduce them, to be more aware as a unit and to become overall more efficient.

Having the Quality Management standard ISO 9001:2015 in place for several years has proved that using predefined processes via a structured framework is of huge benefit, it ensures clarity and consistency, and provides our clients and suppliers with confidence that we will deliver on all fronts. We therefore believe that having ISO 14001 accreditation in place is an all-important element of our mission to improve, adapt and to fulfil our obligations to make a real and lasting impact on society.